Mommy Makeover
The birth of a child is often the emotional highlight of a woman’s life and the start of a new chapter. After months of waiting, women can feel overwhelmed with the whole experience.
There are numerous physical changes associated with motherhood, both owed to the pregnancy itself and to the hormonal changes that take place before and after the birth. The months of successive stretching of the tissue lead to stretch marks, to rectus diastasis and to an excess of skin after the birth.
Depending on the quality of the skin, part of this excess tissue can recede. However, particularly after a second birth or after giving birth to twins, the collagen loses its elasticity and the tissue slackens. At the same time, pregnancy and breastfeeding cause the breast tissue to grow and women’s breasts increase in size. After breastfeeding, another change in hormones leads to atrophy of the breast tissue and the breast size reduces again. The pre-stretched layer of skin appears empty and the breast sags.
Many women accept these changes, which exercise and diet struggle to affect, as a price of motherhood, despite them massively impacting on their feelings of self-worth and their femininity.
Nowadays, these problem areas can be tackled in a single session – a so-called “Mommy makeover”. During the operation, a breast uplift (with or without implants), a tummy tuck and often liposuction are carried out.
It is a complex procedure and is always carried out as an in-patient in our hospital to ensure your safety. Dr Panagiotis Theodorou and Dr Katrin Vossoughi are on hand to keep you safe and to make sure that you are well looked after. They will accompany you on your journey to getting your old body back. Discuss this topic with our experts and look forward to getting your old self back to share with your new child!
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